More than a Librarian

Holly Adams

Miss Berlin standing with a gay pride flag in the CCA library.

Holly Adams, Editor

This is Christine Berlin she is our High School librarian, PLUS Club Sponsor, and Speech Coach. 

While this is not the first support club that Berlin has done this one is just as special. The first one that was created was at her former school.  Berlin only came to do this because of the love for students. When they started to ask if she would be their sponsor and help them she was perfectly fine helping those kids. At this old school, they set times that they would meet together and talk about the hard things.  “we had lunch once a week in my room and just hung out.”

When Berlin moved to teach at CCA she was a little upset with what she found. “there was not a GSA (gay/straight alliance) club of any kind.” While they did not have any support group for these kids, Berlin was set on helping these kids. She had talked to many people about setting up a support group at the high school. “Mary Pat Hanson, Josh Karsjens, and I started the group together.”

The first year that it was a thing was rough. Ms. Hanson did most of the work, due to how busy Karsjens and Berlin were with teaching. “I taught English, newspaper, and yearbook.”

 While all that they had on their plates, they still found ways to help these students. “The year after we began United Action for Youth (UAY) began sending a counselor here for individual therapy. It was at that point CCA and UAY formed a partnership plus Club was officially formed.” this would allow for students to connect with others that have gone or are still going through similar experiences.

 PLUS Club offers students to talk about the hard times as well as the good times, with people that they trust, as well as know has gone through something similar. “As an educator, I believe students learn best when they feel connected to the school, peers, and staff. Sponsoring a  club like PLUS is just my way of helping students connect.” 

If you are looking for more information you can go to the united for action website if you are looking for more support. “PLUS Club gives kids the best of both. They get an advocate and someone here at school when they need it and they get connected with services at UAY if they ever want or need additional support.”

Another thing to keep in mind is if you want to talk to someone in person about matters Berlin is always there to listen and will support you in any way she can. We all have our ups and downs in life, it’s just about finding the right group of people that will support you throughout life.