Stressed Then Blessed

On the out side is how other see the world, blank and normal, but some see the world at a different angle.

On the out side is how other see the world, blank and normal, but some see the world at a different angle.

Kyleigh Maher, Arts and Entertainment

Most teenager would experience stress or anxiety,  due to school work, or other more personal things that happens in most people’s lives. Let’s picture this: you’re waiting for your bus and you relize you forgot something important at home. The thing is that you walked to the bus stop. You don’t have a car and your parents are already at work, you don’t want to upset them or even aggravate them or even get them involved. Your house is 5 minutes away and your bus will pick you up in 2 minutes. Your heart starts racing and you start panicking, heavy breathing and your mind start ranting on every lousy possibility. Sound familiar? How would you resolve that situation? What would you do? What is the best ways to calm down? Well it simple at first but when you learn the whole story it become more complex. Some people would say, just focus on your breathing and try to get your thinking straight, other would say, if it’s important then it probally safer at home then at school. I wont decagree with that either, but it goes down to a more complex situation depending on the whole story. Every situation is different and they all have a different out come. But what is the best way to prevent those out comes? The CDC says that “ Feeling emotional and nervous or having trouble sleeping and eating can all be normal reactions to stress. healthy ways you can deal with stress is to take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, Take care of yourself, Take care of your body, Make time to unwind, Talk to others, Avoid drugs and alcohol, and Recognize when you need more help.” These are just the few tips that were the most popular and effective. There’s plenty more tips and goes more indepths if you are more interested in it. First,  taking a break from watching or reading like stuff on social media, is a great start. Not being glued to the phone and maybe go for a walk and just enjoy the nature. Making time for yourself, doing the things you love or even try new things like pottery or crochet. Avoiding Drug and alcohol everyone should know about, from the addiction and how bad it is for your health. Last Recognizing when you need help is a big one. Sometimes, some people would deal with there proplem by themselve and not even know it just making it worse. Ask for help like a counselor or even talking to a friend is great to help. Just knowing that your struggling is the first and biggest step to help you on obstacles that are a little to much to deal with. I hope these will help on the next stressful day and have a blissful day.